Where I’m at on the little things

Penang, Malaysia trip, 2012

This is one of those ‘let it all out’ posts. A more riveting post about what I did with some copper pipe and an old stool will be up after that!

Well, to say it’s been a little while since I blogged is an understatement! I think for me, the ingredients for successful blogging are having the time, energy and feeling creative. All three, all at the same time. Lately, I’ve been lacking at least one of those ingredients, usually all three as they seem to feed each other. It’s a sad day for me when I don’t have the energy to be creative but I need to remember that I don’t need to undertake a huge project just to get creative satisfaction. So I’ve been trying to find little things I can do that don’t take too much preparation or time. I bought myself a little pallet of half pan watercolours and have been painting pieces of fruit. I’m not very good but it’s something I can do while chilling out on the couch after a long day at work.

I am also going to try and blog about life more. About my second-hand scores or my little house updates or what I did on the weekend. The little things. I want to keep the momentum of my blog going and remember why I’m doing it. I’m doing it for me primarily. I want to share what I make and share what inspired me to make it but mostly, I like documenting the things that make me happy and I like the satisfaction I get when I post regularly.

Sometimes I don’t post things because the photos aren’t that good. The internet is full of gorgeous, beautifully curated blogs with posts that go up daily and professional looking photos where everything is bright and white, white, white. The kind of white I will never achieve in our little house that doesn’t get much sunlight and has a yellow glow cast over it by our energy saving bulbs. I know I’m not the only one who suffers from blog envy, or as I like to think of it ‘Blog Comparison Syndrome’. I’ve read plenty of articles on other blogs of people feeling the same way and it does make me feel better to know I’m not alone. I also need to remember that for a lot of the bloggers who manage to post 5 days a week and whose pictures are pretty near perfect, they obviously have amazing creativity and I envy their energy but they must also have the other essential ingredient time. In other words I dont think some of them work in a non-blog related job doing 9.5 hour days, 5 days a week. Im not trying to sound bitter, rather I’m trying to remind myself of what my blogging goal is and also allow myself to admit that I just can’t set my sights too high; I’m tired. And sometimes I want to hang out with Dave and watch Mad Men rather than upholster a chair. And that’s ok.

So, my new blogging goal is to relax, not aim for perfection and to try to blog more frequently about the little things.

wmdn gets a makeover!

There are a few changes happening on this here blog! I am giving my site a little makeover (happy belated blogiversary to me!). You will still be able to access everything but it may be in a different area or look a little different until I decide on the perfect look! Decisions, decisions.

Unfortunately for me my skills, while ninja-like, do not extend to upgrading on the side and launching the new look when I’m finished so this is all going to happen live. Please bear with me during this exciting time… Whoop!






I’m baaack

Hello my long lost readers,

It’s me, Maddy! I know, I know, you’re probably thinking “Maddy who?” because I’ve been gone for so long. I even missed my own blogiversary!

It’s been all engagement-party this and attending-an-overseas-wedding that, but, I am here to announce my return. Watch this space for something *fascinate-ing* coming up very soon and more crafty and yummy things in the near future.

It feels good to be back people!